If she doesn't have a problem with that decision, then a little struggle over water means nothing. My PC nuked NCR and legion, neither took the hint to go home. Originally posted by stcaFylnO:They are just NCR, no big loss when they go back to Cali, which some of them do (via Boulder City).

but fallout 1/2 and 3/nv i doudt youve play fo3 doe or the others have very limited gameplay loops I used to play fo3 but now with or without mods for some reason I am not able to even get to the main menu when I try to launch fo3 it crashes so my opinion fo3 is the worst of the fo series next is fonv and fo4 in my opinion is my fave and only one worthy and fo76 was ruined when they made it a multiplayer and fallout vault 14 whatever it's called I am not a fan of fallout as a sims or mini characters. i suppose if fallout 4 was mt first game itd be hard to get over its gameplay loops.

Originally posted by DigitalChaos:But atleast the graphics and mechanics are better then nv I can't stand the nv foes that can unrealisticly block weapons like chainsaw? if I were to attack a person in real life with a chainsaw and they try to block it with unarmed fists they would get cut badly if not lose a limb that nv mechanics is awful in fo4 no one can block a ripper as unarmed so this is better plus more about fo4 that is better compared to nv.